I thought I was un-shockable; but in late March Obama shocked even me. In his budget for the coming fiscal year he de-funded medical care for disabled veterans! Completely! It has become apparent that he is an anti-military elitist, but I could never have believed that he would do such a morally, and politically, unthinkable thing! These are our wounded warriors who have left their blood and body parts on foreign battlefields, and he is their commander in chief! So how, according to him, should their medical care and rehabilitation be funded? By the veterans’ own medical insurance, paid for by themselves! Leaders of the American Legion and other veteran advocacy groups met with him in the White House and pleaded with him to reverse the policy. He adamantly refused, and they left, wondering if this could actually be real. Word got out, and there was very negative public reaction. The next day, when these same leaders returned to plead with him again, he relented. And so, the disabled warriors will continue to receive care at government expense; but it is only against Obama’s wishes, and he is exposed forever for his unthinkable values. (Fox News/ONN/WND)
The Clinton Administration produced a Veterans Administration booklet, "Your Life, Your Choices," to help hospitalized veterans make "end of life decisions" (this translates to "commit suicide" or "let us help by killing you"). The booklet was written by VA Ethicist Robert Pearlman, an advocate for euthanasia, schooled in the George Soros "Project on Death in America," with additional guidance from the Hemlock Society (the "Planned Parenthood" of suicide). The Bush Administration discontinued the pamphlet, only to see it restored by Obama in his first year. An Obama VA directive requires all VA primary care physicians to push "end of life decisions proactively," that is, with all patients, not just the elderly. (WSJ/Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation)
Elaine Donnely is, in my opinion, a heroine patriot. She and the Center for Military Readiness have filed a Freedom of Information lawsuit against the U.S. Navy after uncovering evidence that the infamous study of opinions of members of the Armed Forces concerning repeal of the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” law was rigged. This law, that prohibited open homosexuals from service in the Armed Forces, was overturned by Congress, and happily signed by Obama, after the results of the study were leaked to the Washington Post.
But now an Inspector General’s report concerning the study, uncovered by Donnely’s Center for Military Readiness, reveals that the Navy had “cooked the books,” deliberately falsifying the data. The phony figure, indicating that 70% of service members favored the inclusion of open homosexuals, was then deliberately leaked to the Washington Post, a medium sympathetic to the “gay” agenda. Now, however, the Inspector General’s report, previously kept hidden, states that the Navy’s study, combining separate categories of response as if they were all affirmative, could have concluded that 82% of service members opposed having open homosexuals serve.
It is obvious to even the casual observer that there had to be people in very high places pushing to sodomize our armed forces. These key change agents included Admiral Mike Mullen (Joint Chiefs Chairman), Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. These men all were serving directly under Obama, who has made no secret of his desire to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and allow Sodom and Gomorrah to poison the US Armed Forces. Obama’s motivation has obviously been to gain favor with the militant homosexuals, for their money and their votes, regardless of the destruction wrought on our military effectiveness.
Both Commandant of the Marine Corps General James Conway, and incoming Commandant General James Amos, opposed repeal. They were joined in their opposition by Army Lt General Mixon, Commanding General of Pacific Command, and he was publicly reprimanded by Gates and Mullen. Don’t expect that brave and honest soldier to be promoted.
Please pray for Elaine Donnely, a courageous Christian, and her colleagues as they contend for the truth. (WND)
As the Obama administration continues to use the Armed Forces to bring about radical feminist and sodomite practices and values, while cleansing the culture of the Bible and God, the Air Force seems to have decided to lead the way to political correctness. After dropping a long-standing course in “Just War Theory” because it included Scripture references, they have moved on with gusto. “God” has been stripped from the Rapid Capabilities motto, Bibles have been removed from Air Force Inns, and at Christmas the Air Force Academy ordered cadets to cease promoting a Christian charity that helps needy children. An article was removed from a Squadron Office Curriculum because it referenced “chapel.” Air Force Chief of Staff General Norton Schwartz says that the purpose of all this is to achieve “neutrality.” His policies seem to be having the desired effect. In a poll by Military Times, Air Force members were less likely than those of the other services to say that “religion plays a larger role in their lives today than when they entered the service.”
Until now, the Navy has led the way in radical political correctness. The Army has resisted more than the Navy and Air Force—much more—probably because soldiers in ground combat live with realities that trump radical sociological theories. Although some of this poison has forced its way into the Marine Corps by political pressure, the Corps is the branch most resistant to political correctness. At the Recruit Depot on Parris Island there is a large chapel built just for recruits; its stained glass windows honor the sacrifices of Marines for our freedom. In very recent times I have seen the undiluted gospel preached there, I have seen outdoor baptisms there, and I have had the joy of seeing thousands of young recruits, shaved heads, sunburned, standing with their arms around each other, their hands in the air, singing, praying and praising the Lord together. (FRC/Rep Randy Forbes [R-Va]/personal observation)
This topic is so vital (and so unthinkable to those of us who wore uniforms as recently as 15 years ago), and the evidence for it is so vast that in my limited space here I can only summarize. While Islam is being encouraged in our armed forces, Christians have become a persecuted majority.
Examples must suffice. In recent times an Air Force officer was disciplined because he had a Bible on his desk, in plain sight. In April of last year an Army training syllabus taught soldiers that evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics are “extremists” and terrorists, in the same category as al Qaeda.” Later the same month the web site of the Southern Baptist Convention was blocked on all Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force bases for its “hostile content.” The web site of al Jazeera Network, promoting Islamic jihad, was not (and is not) blocked. After an outcry of protest from Christian groups and some members of Congress, the SBC web site was un-blocked. A directive was issued within one Army unit listing the American Family Association and the Family Research Council as “domestic hate groups.” Christian-hating activist Mikey Weinstein, a former Air Force Advocate General, is often seen in the Pentagon and is, at least, an informal advisor to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel concerning religious affairs in the Armed Forces. In a column for the Huffington Post Weinstein called Christians “monsters of human degradation.” In 2012 the publication “Defense News” listed Weinstein as one of the “100 Most Influential People in US Defense.” In the Army, for a Christian to share his faith with another soldier is “a punishable offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.” An Army Master Sergeant was punished recently for holding his promotion party at a Chic-fil-A restaurant (the founder of Chic-fil-A is a Christian and all of his restaurants are closed on Sunday so his employees can go to church). There is much more, but this must suffice. (AP, WSJ, WND, Fox News, HuffPost, et al))
The Department of Defense, which continues to persecute Christians while it panders to Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and even to Wiccans (that’s witchcraft and Satanism). These groups can be “in proper uniform” with these outrageous violations, but don’t expect to see soldiers, Marines and the others of our Armed Forces wearing a pectoral cross with their uniforms. They would, immediately, be charged with being out of uniform and punished.
And remember that all of this madness flows downhill; it can be traced directly back to the Muslim-in-Chief who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in a certain city on the Potomac River.(Fox News 22 Jan 2014) (Editor’s Note: An outraged Marine Gunnery Sergeant, a battle-scarred veteran, recently declared, “When I enlisted, sodomy was a crime. Now it is permitted. I am going to retire before it becomes mandatory.”)
Although the Koran forbids homosexual acts, sodomy is extremely common among Muslim men, and the selling of little boys into sexual slavery is a thriving industry in Afghanistan. I find this contradiction interesting, and I view it as a natural outworking of the deep darkness of that evil religion. Recently three young Marines in Afghanistan were slaughtered by a sex slave (“tea boy”) of the police chief of the village where the Marines were based, in Forward Operating Base (FOB) Delhi. The police chief, charged with security at the base, is also engaged in the buying and selling of boys, and he has several of his own. H is also involved in the drug trade.
Lance Corporal Greg Buckley, stationed in Hawaii, volunteered for duty in Afghanistan, to take the place of a buddy, on orders for Afghanistan, who was injured. He was not at FOB Delhi long before he saw the situation there, and wrote to his parents that he didn’t think he would live to come home
He was right. On a recent night he and three other Marines were lifting weights in their small gymnasium. Because of the “rules of engagement” they were not allowed to have weapons on the base, because it “offended the Afghanis.” The Afghani police they were training there, however, were all armed.
The Marines were unarmed when the Afghani police chief sent one of his young sex slaves to the gym with an AK-47 and orders to “kill as many Marines as possible.” The 15-year-old “tea boy” walked into the gym, immediately opened fire, killing Greg and two others; a fourth Marine was hit 5 times and left for dead, but survived with one useless arm. No charges have been filed against the evil police chief. (WND, Fox News, CNN, PBS)
In the current budget, there are no cuts for those who vote for a living, but don’t work, there will be no reduction in their “welfare” payments, free cell phones and the extra checks for each illegitimate baby
On the other hand (I still find this hard to believe) the budget includes reductions in the retirement pay of servicemen, including those retired with disabilities! This should be unthinkable; but it is reality. While illegal aliens are receiving welfare, free smart phones and housing subsidies, with no reductions, the spending is reduced at the expense of retired warriors. This is entirely in keeping with Obama’s worldview, and his total lack of understanding of, or caring about, the sacrifices of our service men and women. It is entirely in keeping with his plan, early in his first term, to have wounded and disabled service men and women pay for their own medical care! He suggested that they are selfish because they don’t! Which planet did this guy come from? And, as this is being written, he and his family are in Air Force One, winging their way in luxury that our warriors and veterans will never get near, for a Hawaii vacation in an ocean-front house that costs $24,500 a week; and you, I, and our retired warriors are paying for it. As they luxuriate at our expense, our retirees, including the blind, amputees, burned, brain-damaged and mentally crippled, make plans to live on less. (Stars and Stripes, WT, Forbes, Fox News, et al)
I thought I was un-shockable; but in late March Obama shocked even me. In his budget for the coming fiscal year he de-funded medical care for disabled veterans! Completely! It has become apparent that he is an anti-military elitist, but I could never have believed that he would do such a morally, and politically, unthinkable thing! These are our wounded warriors who have left their blood and body parts on foreign battlefields, and he is their commander in chief! So how, according to him, should their medical care and rehabilitation be funded? By the veterans’ own medical insurance, paid for by themselves! Leaders of the American Legion and other veteran advocacy groups met with him in the White House and pleaded with him to reverse the policy. He adamantly refused, and they left, wondering if this could actually be real. Word got out, and there was very negative public reaction. The next day, when these same leaders returned to plead with him again, he relented. And so, the disabled warriors will continue to receive care at government expense; but it is only against Obama’s wishes, and he is exposed forever for his unthinkable values. (Fox News/ONN/WND)
The Clinton Administration produced a Veterans Administration booklet, "Your Life, Your Choices," to help hospitalized veterans make "end of life decisions" (this translates to "commit suicide" or "let us help by killing you"). The booklet was written by VA Ethicist Robert Pearlman, an advocate for euthanasia, schooled in the George Soros "Project on Death in America," with additional guidance from the Hemlock Society (the "Planned Parenthood" of suicide). The Bush Administration discontinued the pamphlet, only to see it restored by Obama in his first year. An Obama VA directive requires all VA primary care physicians to push "end of life decisions proactively," that is, with all patients, not just the elderly. (WSJ/Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation)
Elaine Donnely is, in my opinion, a heroine patriot. She and the Center for Military Readiness have filed a Freedom of Information lawsuit against the U.S. Navy after uncovering evidence that the infamous study of opinions of members of the Armed Forces concerning repeal of the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” law was rigged. This law, that prohibited open homosexuals from service in the Armed Forces, was overturned by Congress, and happily signed by Obama, after the results of the study were leaked to the Washington Post.
But now an Inspector General’s report concerning the study, uncovered by Donnely’s Center for Military Readiness, reveals that the Navy had “cooked the books,” deliberately falsifying the data. The phony figure, indicating that 70% of service members favored the inclusion of open homosexuals, was then deliberately leaked to the Washington Post, a medium sympathetic to the “gay” agenda. Now, however, the Inspector General’s report, previously kept hidden, states that the Navy’s study, combining separate categories of response as if they were all affirmative, could have concluded that 82% of service members opposed having open homosexuals serve.
It is obvious to even the casual observer that there had to be people in very high places pushing to sodomize our armed forces. These key change agents included Admiral Mike Mullen (Joint Chiefs Chairman), Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. These men all were serving directly under Obama, who has made no secret of his desire to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and allow Sodom and Gomorrah to poison the US Armed Forces. Obama’s motivation has obviously been to gain favor with the militant homosexuals, for their money and their votes, regardless of the destruction wrought on our military effectiveness.
Both Commandant of the Marine Corps General James Conway, and incoming Commandant General James Amos, opposed repeal. They were joined in their opposition by Army Lt General Mixon, Commanding General of Pacific Command, and he was publicly reprimanded by Gates and Mullen. Don’t expect that brave and honest soldier to be promoted.
Please pray for Elaine Donnely, a courageous Christian, and her colleagues as they contend for the truth. (WND)
As the Obama administration continues to use the Armed Forces to bring about radical feminist and sodomite practices and values, while cleansing the culture of the Bible and God, the Air Force seems to have decided to lead the way to political correctness. After dropping a long-standing course in “Just War Theory” because it included Scripture references, they have moved on with gusto. “God” has been stripped from the Rapid Capabilities motto, Bibles have been removed from Air Force Inns, and at Christmas the Air Force Academy ordered cadets to cease promoting a Christian charity that helps needy children. An article was removed from a Squadron Office Curriculum because it referenced “chapel.” Air Force Chief of Staff General Norton Schwartz says that the purpose of all this is to achieve “neutrality.” His policies seem to be having the desired effect. In a poll by Military Times, Air Force members were less likely than those of the other services to say that “religion plays a larger role in their lives today than when they entered the service.”
Until now, the Navy has led the way in radical political correctness. The Army has resisted more than the Navy and Air Force—much more—probably because soldiers in ground combat live with realities that trump radical sociological theories. Although some of this poison has forced its way into the Marine Corps by political pressure, the Corps is the branch most resistant to political correctness. At the Recruit Depot on Parris Island there is a large chapel built just for recruits; its stained glass windows honor the sacrifices of Marines for our freedom. In very recent times I have seen the undiluted gospel preached there, I have seen outdoor baptisms there, and I have had the joy of seeing thousands of young recruits, shaved heads, sunburned, standing with their arms around each other, their hands in the air, singing, praying and praising the Lord together. (FRC/Rep Randy Forbes [R-Va]/personal observation)
This topic is so vital (and so unthinkable to those of us who wore uniforms as recently as 15 years ago), and the evidence for it is so vast that in my limited space here I can only summarize. While Islam is being encouraged in our armed forces, Christians have become a persecuted majority.
Examples must suffice. In recent times an Air Force officer was disciplined because he had a Bible on his desk, in plain sight. In April of last year an Army training syllabus taught soldiers that evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics are “extremists” and terrorists, in the same category as al Qaeda.” Later the same month the web site of the Southern Baptist Convention was blocked on all Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force bases for its “hostile content.” The web site of al Jazeera Network, promoting Islamic jihad, was not (and is not) blocked. After an outcry of protest from Christian groups and some members of Congress, the SBC web site was un-blocked. A directive was issued within one Army unit listing the American Family Association and the Family Research Council as “domestic hate groups.” Christian-hating activist Mikey Weinstein, a former Air Force Advocate General, is often seen in the Pentagon and is, at least, an informal advisor to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel concerning religious affairs in the Armed Forces. In a column for the Huffington Post Weinstein called Christians “monsters of human degradation.” In 2012 the publication “Defense News” listed Weinstein as one of the “100 Most Influential People in US Defense.” In the Army, for a Christian to share his faith with another soldier is “a punishable offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.” An Army Master Sergeant was punished recently for holding his promotion party at a Chic-fil-A restaurant (the founder of Chic-fil-A is a Christian and all of his restaurants are closed on Sunday so his employees can go to church). There is much more, but this must suffice. (AP, WSJ, WND, Fox News, HuffPost, et al))
The Department of Defense, which continues to persecute Christians while it panders to Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and even to Wiccans (that’s witchcraft and Satanism). These groups can be “in proper uniform” with these outrageous violations, but don’t expect to see soldiers, Marines and the others of our Armed Forces wearing a pectoral cross with their uniforms. They would, immediately, be charged with being out of uniform and punished.
And remember that all of this madness flows downhill; it can be traced directly back to the Muslim-in-Chief who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in a certain city on the Potomac River.(Fox News 22 Jan 2014) (Editor’s Note: An outraged Marine Gunnery Sergeant, a battle-scarred veteran, recently declared, “When I enlisted, sodomy was a crime. Now it is permitted. I am going to retire before it becomes mandatory.”)
Although the Koran forbids homosexual acts, sodomy is extremely common among Muslim men, and the selling of little boys into sexual slavery is a thriving industry in Afghanistan. I find this contradiction interesting, and I view it as a natural outworking of the deep darkness of that evil religion. Recently three young Marines in Afghanistan were slaughtered by a sex slave (“tea boy”) of the police chief of the village where the Marines were based, in Forward Operating Base (FOB) Delhi. The police chief, charged with security at the base, is also engaged in the buying and selling of boys, and he has several of his own. H is also involved in the drug trade.
Lance Corporal Greg Buckley, stationed in Hawaii, volunteered for duty in Afghanistan, to take the place of a buddy, on orders for Afghanistan, who was injured. He was not at FOB Delhi long before he saw the situation there, and wrote to his parents that he didn’t think he would live to come home
He was right. On a recent night he and three other Marines were lifting weights in their small gymnasium. Because of the “rules of engagement” they were not allowed to have weapons on the base, because it “offended the Afghanis.” The Afghani police they were training there, however, were all armed.
The Marines were unarmed when the Afghani police chief sent one of his young sex slaves to the gym with an AK-47 and orders to “kill as many Marines as possible.” The 15-year-old “tea boy” walked into the gym, immediately opened fire, killing Greg and two others; a fourth Marine was hit 5 times and left for dead, but survived with one useless arm. No charges have been filed against the evil police chief. (WND, Fox News, CNN, PBS)
In the current budget, there are no cuts for those who vote for a living, but don’t work, there will be no reduction in their “welfare” payments, free cell phones and the extra checks for each illegitimate baby
On the other hand (I still find this hard to believe) the budget includes reductions in the retirement pay of servicemen, including those retired with disabilities! This should be unthinkable; but it is reality. While illegal aliens are receiving welfare, free smart phones and housing subsidies, with no reductions, the spending is reduced at the expense of retired warriors. This is entirely in keeping with Obama’s worldview, and his total lack of understanding of, or caring about, the sacrifices of our service men and women. It is entirely in keeping with his plan, early in his first term, to have wounded and disabled service men and women pay for their own medical care! He suggested that they are selfish because they don’t! Which planet did this guy come from? And, as this is being written, he and his family are in Air Force One, winging their way in luxury that our warriors and veterans will never get near, for a Hawaii vacation in an ocean-front house that costs $24,500 a week; and you, I, and our retired warriors are paying for it. As they luxuriate at our expense, our retirees, including the blind, amputees, burned, brain-damaged and mentally crippled, make plans to live on less. (Stars and Stripes, WT, Forbes, Fox News, et al)
Links For Military/Veterans Resources
Semper Fi Fund:DAV -Disabled American Veterans. Dedicated to a single purpose: Empowering veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. Click here!
Task Force Omega of Kentucky, Inc.
This is the best single source of complete and current information concerning our POWs abandoned in Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East. Danny (Greasy) Belcher is one of the few warriors still fighting for their freedom full time. If Danny says it, you can believe it! He himself is a Vietnam veteran and a totally committed patriot.
This is the best single source of complete and current information concerning our POWs abandoned in Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East. Danny (Greasy) Belcher is one of the few warriors still fighting for their freedom full time. If Danny says it, you can believe it! He himself is a Vietnam veteran and a totally committed patriot.