Applying the Word of God to Everyday Living,
Words for Living closed its office in January 2024.
One of the WFLM board members, John Lambert, has volunteered to help people (who request the service) to obtain Tom's remaining publications while supplies last. You can reach John at 731-217-9289. The books are free, and we are asking that you simply reimburse John for packing and shipping them.
Additionally, many of Tom's publications can be found online via Amazon and other vendors.
ISBN 0-934527-00-8 (paperback) $4.95
ISBN 0-934527-O1-6 (hardback) $7.95
by Joe McCormick and Tom McKenney. This unique book, done in magazine format, explains the baptism by Jesus in the Holy Spirit, and will lead the reader to eliminate and overcome the common obstacles to receiving, and enter into, the fulfillment of this gracious gift of God. Beginning, "in the beginning", in Genesis 1, it presents the overall story of the person and work of God's Spirit as recorded in the Bible. Then follows a concise New Testament history of the "endowment with power from on High", the promise of Jesus for his followers to enable them to serve Him more effectively. Featured are large and beautiful original illustrations by Joe McCormick, all by the technique of stippling (there are no lines in?the drawings, just millions of tiny ink doffs). The illustration of the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan has been released as a limited edition print, also available from the publisher. 24 pages, illustrated ISBN 0-934527-OZ-4 (magazine format) $3.95
Holy Spirit Baptism
Trouble at the Glory Barn by Tom McKenney (Artwork by Joe McCormick). "The Rise and Decline of the Charismatic Fellowship." This is an interpretive history of that wonderful phenomenon, the contemporary outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the charismatic fellowship that resulted. It is a story of joy and pain. "It was a time both wonderful and terrible, a time of life-transforming fulfillment and, later on, of crushing disillusionment. Those were days of childlike believing, of innocence and trusting; they were days of seeing miracles and of experiencing the power of God. And they were days of painful lessons in the frailty and imperfection of man. For those readers who were part of it all, it will be yesterday again. For those who were not a part of it, it will be an opportunity to experience it as the participants did, and thus better understand those of us who were. And, for all of us, 'Glory Bam' veterans or not, it will be an opportunity to examine the experience, understand it better and learn its vital lessons is the story as it really happened, with its hard lessons, and a message of hope for the future." 127 Pages, indexed, illustrated, with appendices ISBN 0-934527-O-9 (paperback) $6.95
ISBN 0-93-4527-06-7 (paperback) $8.95
ISBN 0-934527-04-0 (hardback) $12.95
by Jim Shaw and Tom McKenney (Artwork by Joe McCormick). "A Dedicated Freemason's Journey to the Top ...and Beyond." The true story of Jim Shaw 33rd Degree Mason, Past Master of All Scottish Rite Bodies, who dedicated his life to the zealous pursuit of the goals and practices of freemasonry, reaching the high levels of leadership and council, not only in the Blue Lodge and Scottish Rite, but also in the Shrine and the Order of the Eastern Star. Then he met Jesus, his spiritual eyes were opened, and everything changed. This is the true story of his never?ending quest to climb the mountain of wisdom and knowledge, to escape the misty darkness and find the light, as he actually experienced it. With him, you can walk through those years of sincere seeking, and then join him as he breaks out of the darkness and into the light. The truth about this World?wide secret order, as revealed in the life of one who has definitely "been there," and one who has the credentials to know whereof he speaks. You will never forget it. Factual appendices, including the first ever revelation of the 33rd Degree initiation. Indexed, illustrated, with appendices (paperback). NOTE: We can provide this book to individuals, but due to contract agreement with the publisher cannot provide it to bookstores. OUT OF PRINT. Can be found on Amazon and eBay.
The Deadly Deception
by Tom McKenney. "Questions People Ask About Freemasonry ...and the Answers." Written in readable question?and?answer format, this book is both a rich resource that can be read through for a thorough education in the truth about Freemasonry, and a reference book that can be consulted when the need arises. Thoroughly documented, the book features the actual passages from the most revered Masonic sourcebooks. Foreword by F. Evans Crary, 33rd Degree, Past Grand Master of Masons, Grand Lodge of Florida. 220 pages, illustrated, indexed, with appendices (paperback). NOTE: We can provide this book to individuals, but not to bookstores.OUT OF PRINT. Can be found on Amazon and eBay.
Please Tell Me
This item is no longer available.
This item is no longer available.
Holidays and Holy Days by Tom McKenney. "The Origins and Meaning of Our Favorite Holidays." What were once called "holy days," days set apart for fasting and prayer, have largely evolved into "holidays," with emphasis on feasting rather than fasting, and on parties rather than on prayer. Have you ever wondered how it all began, and how we got to the place where we are? Have you wondered about the origins of our customs... Why we do the things we do at holiday times? The answers can be found here, briefly and simply stated, in historical and scriptural contact. 32 pages, indexed, illustrated. Excerpted and adapted from the author's book, "Live Free." ISBN 0-934527-07-5 (paperback). This little book has gone around the world. It is also published in Sweden and New Zealand. $2.50
by Tom McKenney. "A guidebook for Christians Preparing to Go On a Short term Mission to the Republic of Haiti." This small book, based upon experience, realistically presents the Republic of Haiti, includes an historical and sociological sketch of the country and its people, followed by sections on all essential subjects, from money to staying healthy. All the things the author wishes someone had told him before his first mission to Haiti are included, in sufficient detail for a good beginning. There is even useful guidance for the purchase of souvenirs and responding to beggars. Revised and enlarged. 56 pages, indexed, illustrated, map. ISBN 0-934527-03-2 (paperback) $3.95
So You're Going to Haiti?
Festival of Death by Tom McKenney. A powerful and factual presentation of the origins and nature of Halloween traditions and practices, and their place in the lives of Christians. An excerpt from the author's book Live Free . $ .25
Blood on the Sword - Understanding Islam by Tom C. McKenney (Artwork by Joe McCormick). Islam is one of the three major religions of the World, along with Christianity and Judaism. It's god is Allah, and its "holy book" is the Koran. Adherents of Islam are called "Muslims" (or "Moslems"). Islam is sometimes called, "Mohammedanism"; but this is incorrect, for a knowledgeable Muslim will tell you that they worship only their god, Allah, that they honor Mohammed as the prophet of Allah, but do not worship him. "Islam" is Arabic, meaning "submission to god." Islam is intensely legalistic, with hundreds of requirements and prohibitions; the legalism is so complex that it often requires religious leaders (Imams) or religious courts to settle specific cases. free
NOTE: For quantity discounts on publications call the Words For Living Ministries Office.
by Sally & Joe Mahoney
The Christmas Dream
Joseph & Mary - Great Expectations
Mysterious Holiday
The Quest of the Fair Lady
Click on play titles to read and download PDF's of these plays for free.
by Sally & Joe Mahoney
The Christmas Dream
Joseph & Mary - Great Expectations
Mysterious Holiday
The Quest of the Fair Lady
Click on play titles to read and download PDF's of these plays for free.
Faith-Based Comics are by our good friend Joe McCormick. Joe is an exceptionally committed missionary-artist. You can see Joe's serious (and not-so serious) work in our books and prints (see the above publications). His book of cartoons, Toon-Ups for the Soul, is available through him; hundreds of copies have been sent, free, to Marines in Iraq. Joe can be reached through this email address: [email protected]. Joe's website is here.
God's Army
Bob and Lois Forrester were part of the Jesus People movement and have written many publications of faith. This item is no longer available.